Niek Opdam graduated in 1980 and is retired associate professor at the Radboud University Medical Centre at Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He has lectured throughout the world on restorative dentistry, practice based research and treatment of Tooth wear. Moreover, he is researcher in the field of restorative dentistry, focussing on practice based research, secondary caries and tooth wear. In 1998 he received his PhD on a Thesis on posterior composite. He has now published more than 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals and his H-Index is 45 on Web of Science. In 2017 he received the Ryge-Mahler award from the Dental Materials Group of the IADR for his clinical research and in 2021 the Ivar Mjör award for practice based research. From 2012-2015 he was Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil. Niek Opdam was president of the practice-based research Group of the IADR and is acting president of the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry. Niek Opdam has a part-time referral practice with differentiation in adhesive dentistry in Den Bosch, The Netherlands.