* All articles published in national or international scientific journals during 2023 and 2024 are eligible for the Award, providing that the first author is a member of SEOC and is registered for the 12th ConsEuro and XXV National and XII International Congress of SEOC.
* Publications eligible for the Award must be original and must not have been awarded by another entity.
* Applications must be submitted in PDF format before February 28th, 2025, to the Spanish Society of Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry (SEOC) at seoc@seoc.org. After this date no applications will be accepted.
* A cash award of 1,500 euros and a certificate which will be presented to the f irst author, and a certificate to each of the authors.
* Reviewers will be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry. If any of the reviewers is an author of any of the publications to be judged, the application will be automatically excluded.
* The reviewers’ decision is final and the awarded publication will be announced at the Congress Closing Ceremony. If none of the authors attend the Closing Ceremony, the award would be withdrawn.
The following awards are established for the Poster presentation:
- Award for best poster in the category of Dental Materials
- Award for best poster in the category of Endodontics
- Award for best poster in the category of Operative Dentistry
- Award for best poster in the category of Dental Education
- Award for best poster in the category of Preventive Dentistry
- Award for best poster in the category of Student.
- Award for best poster in the category Clinical Case
The following awards are established for Oral Communication:
- Award for best oral communication in the category of Dental Materials
- Award for best oral communication in the category of Endodontics
- Award for best oral communication in the category of Operative Dentistry
- Award for best oral communication in the category of Dental Education
- Award for best oral communication in the category of Preventive Dentistry
- Award for best oral communication in the category of Student
- Award for best poster in the category Clinical Case
All presentations accepted by the Scientific Committee of the Congress will be eligible for the awards given by the Congress in their different categories, if the presenter, who must be the first author, applied during the abstract submission process. However, presentations authored by one or more members of the Jury, even if accepted, will be excluded from the award competition.
Each award will consist of a certificate for each of the authors, as well as a registration fee waiver for the next SEOC Congress and a material prize sponsored by the industry for the presenter.
The jury's decision is final and will be publicly announced at the closing ceremony of the Congress, where the awards will also be presented. The award will be given to the first author or any co-author of the presentation.
Submitting for an award implies full acceptance of the rules. If fewer than ten presentations in each category are submitted, the organization will cancel the competition.